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When was the last time? (Vol.1) (SWR108)


Sketchbook Quartet

“When eclectic postmodern chamber jazz meets rock. Rich with detail and a charming compositional finish that leaves you yearning for the unexpected.” (Andreas Felber, Ö1/WDR 3 Jazznacht)

Eklektischer postmoderner Kammerjazz mit rockigen Avancen (...) detailreich und sehr unkalkulierbar und liebevoll auskomponiert.” (Andreas Felber, Ö1/WDR 3 Jazznacht)

15. Juli kulturplattform St. Johann/Pongau
26. Juli. Porgy&Bess Premiere Sketchbook Orchestra" (feat. Koehne Quartet, Wolfgang Puschnig, Rapahel Preuschl etc.)


"Sketchbook Quartet" is a Vienna-based post-jazz group. The group consists of four young musicians who share their interest in the modern creative improvised sound.
The unorthodox instrumentation and elaborated compositions combined with their synergy for drive and passion guarantee a young, fresh and vibrating sound.

Leonhard Skorupa: saxophone
Daniel Moser: bassclarinet
Andi Tausch: guitar
Konstantin Kräutler: drums

Hans Eisler would have been chuffed to bits: this young quartet from Austria (in their own words a ‘post-jazz formation’) opens its Otto Mops CD, released in 2015, with the Solidaritätslied. Do not be fooled by the title of the song (The Solidarity Song): the four musicians play a confident and, more than anything else, relaxed music deeply rooted in the jazz tradition. Contemporary jazz mustn’t necessarily be overloaded or rational to be stimulating and interesting; indeed, as proved by this debut album, it can also be chilled and easily accessible. The ensemble plays somewhat unorthodox instruments – the band does without a classical bass instrument – to the strains of jazz and post-rock tunes.

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